I need more time for myself in year2024,
Dedicating all the accolades I’ve got to me.
Using all strength to preserve the dignity in me.
The G in the RACE is sufficient to pull me through again.
Woe to him that puts his trust in men,
there’s hope to him that is joined to a living dog than a dead lion.
I’ve ran to Zion my succours, fortress and tower of rest.
I kept hearing to your tent o ye Isreal, and I say to myself:
To your tent O ye Laitan, for the lord will find you a lasting rest.
I’m not a weakling, neither am I the toughest, but the innermost strength that has helped over and is fading out.
Where or when will I find myself a place of rest that I can call mine?
Jesus I’m married to you over and again… penned from my heart to my humble self.
(Feminism Woken In Me the Umpteenth Time)